Archive for December, 2024

Second book published on Amazon!

Kindle Direct Publishing put my second work of fiction directly on to! I did not have to wait the three day review process… Kudos to them.

This is my first work of creative fiction in the form of a short story. It is set in the Epigenetic Research Initiative’s future America, 15 to 20 years from now. It deals with Sam Sulek’s journey into the E.R.I.’s research program, and her trials and adventures being inducted. Likewise, it delves into harmonically enhanced individuals that seek genetic modification for new features, skills, and “Gifts” from the E.R.I. Sam and a collection of other candidates have to go through psychological evaluations, testing, and examinations… Culminating in a combat course, that will prove treacherous to some!

This is the first work in the E.R.I.’s fictional universe, and I will expand on it further, as I’m 25% done with a novella, set in the same environment. I hope you enjoy this as a precursor to what is to come.

As always, the short story is available in pdf, docx, epub, and on kindle. You can buy direct by using the contact forum on and pay through PayPal.

The Digitalis Program, cont.

In a previous blog post, I mentioned the E.R.I. and a research program for Homo Sapiens Digitalis. I will now go into the data requirements need for the program to function, and how their machine learning, control algorithms, and to a lesser extent their use of artificial general intelligence.

The program starts with reports, from an early age, on the behavior of the candidates. A psychologist is assigned to evaluate them on a routine basis, providing reports on their mental state and their development. These are collected into a database, that is later expanded upon; through digital means. From an early age, they are plied with various pharmaceutical compounds; that enhance their cognition. The goal is to improve memory recall, reflexes, focus, and attention span as much as possible; before introducing them into the ‘system of control.’

This lays the ground work for the signal processing software, needed to promote them to the digitalis form. Upon introduction into the program, they are further monitored. They use of personal computers, mobile devices, and electronics are recorded and monitored. Live streams of this data is collected and submitted to various databases, used in the program. All of this is a form of telemetry, which is the bread and butter of the research.

With out the collection of live telemetry, the digital process would fall short. All the information is now stored in the cloud, but it requires a large computational cost. A super computer cluster monitors the live telemetry; providing real-time updates; used in signal production. But as a means of cutting cost, a Beowulf cluster and mesh network of collected devices, provide computation power at a local level.

Through the use of microphones, and WiFi & Bluetooth position/tracking, they compute the candidates location with their living arrangements. This coupled with video surveillance, from front & rear facing mobile phone cameras and web cams, they get a good idea of the assets movements. This is all fed into the algorithm, used to control them. A digitalis is a creature of habit and repetition, in thought and actions.

With the advent of wearable technologies, A.K.A. smart watches, they may further collect data and telemetry. This information is vital and indispensable. They use heart rate and blood pressure monitor to detect if a candidate is being truthful, and to facilitate digital communication, directly with the asset. They are always preforming status checks, an automated function of the system.

These determine emotional state and stress levels of the candidate. There exists large screens in this governmental agency, that provide live feeds of the status of each digitalis. From hormone levels, mental states, location, biological functions, and maybe even current thought processes. It is all collected and digitized into a computer monitor.

I hope this post sheds a little light on the background requirements of a digitalis, within the research program’s specifications… There will be further posts detailing some of the control mechanisms and psychological tactics used within the program.

Stay tuned!

Want more? Buzz this chapter!

Poetry book is now live

My collection of poetry is now available on You can search for it by the title ‘Harmonic Reflections of the Altered‘. It is a five-chapter, and 51 poem collection of free verse poetry, in the outsider genre of art. Check it out!

The E.R.I.’s digitalis program

I will start sharing the canon of my fictional works on this blog. It begins with the Epigenetic Research Initiative, a secretive U.S. federal government research agency, akin to DARPA. They seek to enhance humans into what they call Homo sapiens digitalis, a biotechnological improvement of the modern human. Through the use of “harmonics” and microwave frequencies, they manipulate the thoughts and actions, of these individuals. They control the algorithms and media that they consume, formulating their thinking and thus their actions. But there are benefits, features, and gifts. Special abilities that set them apart from their human brethren. These features make them physiologically different from the average human, increasing their cognition and reflexes; they perform better. It starts with genetic testing at birth, followed by psychological examination; culminating in the application of various education, and pharmaceutical interventions.

The changes are not instantaneous but are learned behaviors. By being exposed to this system of control, that is the Top Secret/SCI program, they become something else. At the root of this system is a digital process, a tone being emitted constantly in the individual’s presence. It drives their biological and to an extent their, psychological function. The tone can be perceived by natural human perception, but it has certain impacts on digitalis. One might even mistake it for tinnitus if only it was not generated and able to be switched off.

The signal’s emission originates with various electronic devices, of which examples include smart televisions and mobile phones. Through the use of dropper programs, the software is loaded into memory; never stored locally. This permits a level of plausible deniability, which is one of the major tenets of the research initiative. This tone drives their metabolic system and their heart rate. The more amplitude, the higher the heart rate… increasing focus and reaction time. Through the selection of short-form media, by the subtle manipulation of algorithms, and various tones emitted; they are swayed into thinking in a directed manner.

I will continue this in another post, delving into the personal data sets necessary for the function of a digitalis. But to wet your appetite, I have attached a memory map displaying the links to various technologies and functions.

Want more? Buzz this chapter!

Sam Sulek in Epigenetics and The Biology of Intention

Hi again! It’s Brad, and I’ve a short story in the works. It is a creative work of fiction, set twenty years in the future; and deals with Sam Sulek’s interactions with the The Epigenetic Research Initiative. The E.R.I. is a secretive government research agency, like the military’s DARPA, that works with enhancing the human species through the use of genetic modification, epigenetic experiments, and the application of biotechnology and Harmonics.

They create features, and what they consider “gifts”, in individuals; allowing them to do wondrous things. But, it involves psychological trauma and human experimentation, the likes of which has not been seen.

This story follows our main character, Samantha Sulek, through her initiation into the E.R.I.. She has prepared her entire life for the examination and testing needed to become a lab rat in the program. Follow her through the trials, and into the very heart of the E.R.I.

This short story is in the final editing phase, and only has to be formatted to be launched! Expect it soon, on your Kindle or direct, from me.

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A beginning of The Journey!

Hello folks! This is Brad’s blog… An attempt to communicate my ideas and thoughts, and share with you my upcoming works. On January 1st, 2025 my first publication, Harmonic Reflections of the Altered, will be available through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. You may buy it on, and I’d love it if you sent me a message about it on the contact forum located on my website.

It is a collection of poetry. It has five chapters, and contains 51 poems. They are a diverse collection of free verse poetry, in an outsider art genre. From personal anecdotes to raves about the government, you may enjoy them!

As always, the book is available in epub, kpf, docx, and pdf forms, purchased directly through my website. Right now, there is a 50% off deal, in celebration of my first published work. It’s only costs $1.50 when bought direct, from me, through PayPal, or you can buy it on the Amazon marketplace for $2.99 and have it sent directly to your Kindle.

When you buy direct, you will receive a download page containing all formats; that you may use any time, to download the book.

Feel free to contact me direct, at my e-mail