The Epigenetic Research Initiative’s System of Control program comprises various digital technologies, many of which are commercial off-the-shelf products. These include the following (I will go into each, in this post):

  • database servers
  • Command and Control (C&C) servers,
  • a user client (mobile and web)
  • a communication chat room
  • an obfuscating firewall
  • various mesh networks (utilizing Bluetooth & Wi-Fi)
  • a call center for interaction with candidates
  • artificial intelligence (LLM’s & AGI)
  • personal control devices (PCD’s)
  • a betting website for internal employees

The database servers store a large collection of digitalized text. They also store telemetry gathered about an asset’s personality profile. It helps in developing control programs. These programs are then deployed to the end user through the PCDs by the mesh networks. They are the central resource for information and are often used to look up the personality quarks of the candidate.

The command and control servers (C&C) are used for monitoring the Digitalis and executing control programs. They are the main source of data about the individual. They provide a snapshot of their mental and physiological state. From these mainframes, code can be executed on the person, creating thoughts and actions, through their neural networks. Various error checking provides feedback on the success rate of the code.

The user client is both a mobile application and a web interface. It is used by SoC employees and System Engineers, to control a candidate remotely. The mobile application is deployed across various other apps, through reverse engineering of their code. It provides a couple of buttons and a status check feature. The goal is plausible deniability because the app requires a lesser clearance level, for the many SoC employees. The mobile app is very limited. It only allows for simple execution of scripts on the asset. A success or failure situation report is provided. The web interface is used by “system engineers” to further control the individual. It provides a more nuanced control. Its features allow for media upload components, adding to the success rate of the control scripts.

There is a communication chat room, which has a bot in it that details the varied thoughts of the Digitalis. Inside the room, are many SoC employees and System Engineers, idling by, as they monitor the candidate. This room is a good place to see the thoughts of the asset. You can also read about the success of scripts running on them. It is very much like an internet relay chat room, filled with users.

The obfuscating firewall, A.K.A. “The Great Wall” akin to the firewall built by China to monitor their population; is a technological feat. It is both a physical piece of software and a wetware application. It serves to protect the asset from disclosing classified means and methods, and from negative thoughts, from the chat room. The chatroom is bidirectional, what goes in comes out as unconscious thoughts of the candidate. Oftentimes, an asset suffers from what a psychologist would call, “racing thoughts.” This is the text of the chatroom being transmitted. The firewall acts as a kind of buffer, raising and lowering perception; limiting the access to the chit-chat.

There exists a ‘Beowulf cluster’ of computing devices, interconnected through a mesh network; utilizing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth frequencies. This network of computation lowers the cost of CPU cycles. It is essential for running the various control scripts. These scripts use heavy loads of media for their execution. This cluster includes the super computer at its core. It also includes the various phones and computers that use the mobile app and web interface. The cost of doing business with an asset is wear and tear on your devices.

A call center for interaction with candidates is used to monitor and control the assets in reality. This center provides a method to create physical stress. This stress is needed to empower the control scripts when media isn’t enough for them. The tone of voice and inflection control an asset. Both high and low pitches influence them. Whether it’s a female or male voice, the way a person talks influences them. This is a fallback measure, for when the digital control processes fail. The call center serves as a training facility for the candidates. And it pesters them 😉

A new direction of technology has become apparent. This includes the application of large language models and the rise of Artificial General Intelligence. While AGI is not available to every Digitalis, the E.R.I. is actively researching its use in their primary program. But, LLM’s have been applied. The faction system, which is used to keep a Digitalis confused, has been upgraded with A.I. support. People no longer pick a faction and use the control clients. They do not tag themselves with faction flags in the chatroom. Instead, core LLM’s do the work for them. Exciting times!

A primary component of the SoC is that of P.C.D.’s. Primary control devices are the computers that host the software that controls the wetware processes. These devices range from personal computers to mobile phones, which are primarily used. They emit the signals that control a digitalis. They host the media, which builds up stimulation and emits the cues needed for script execution. Likewise, they also collect and record the data. This data is used to build the personality profiles. It fills the databases needed for the whole program to work.

To make this more appealing for the SoC employees and Engineers, there is an online betting website. It uses karma credits for capital. People can tag collections of media and control scripts, with their factions, and place bets on their success and effectiveness. Payouts can be personal or divided up by faction, allowing for multiple means of play. Karma credits accumulate over time. This accumulation allows employees to purchase faction media. The media is created by the employees and used in personal scripts. There is also a means of cashing out the karma, for cold hard cents. The mental state of the asset influences the dichotomy of bad and good karma. This influence allows for price fluctuations.

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